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How To Create Your Best Bujo With A Bullet Journal Cheat Sheet With Free Printable

 Bullet Journal Checklist

Find out why using a Bullet Journal Cheat Sheet will help you be more organized, make fewer mistakes in your Bujo and create better Bullet Journal spreads and pages!


Whether you are just starting a bullet journal or want to create the best bullet journal layout you can, a cheat sheet is an amazing tool to start using.  

Even after using a Bujo for a while and creating hundreds of pages, I find a checklist really useful. Here are a few reasons why I love using a Cheat Sheet:

  • Fewer Mistakes – When I have a checklist for what I need in my spreads I tend to make fewer mistakes and errors on many pages. And although mistakes can be fixed… it always feels good to not make too many.
  • More Productive – Staring at a blank page or a brand new notebook can cause some serious overwhelm and analysis paralysis! Having a simple plan of action can reduce the anxiety of starting a spread as well as helping the creativity flow. 
  • More Organized – Having a checklist means I don’t forget to add important information, headers, and other parts of my Bullet Journal pages and spreads. 
  • A More Coherent Bullet Journal – With a set template for my Bullet Journal, my spreads feel connected and the whole notebook flows better. I find this helps my bujo work better for me!

If you are brand new to the concept of using a Bullet Journal you may want to read our how to bullet journal guide.


Bullet Journal Guide


There are two ways you can get a checklist for a Bullet Journal. 

You can create your own or download our free Bullet Journal Cheat Sheet printable. I’ll add the link for this at the end of the post. For those that want to create their own personalized cheat sheet keep reading on how to make sure you include everything, you need on your cheat sheet.


What Is A Bullet Journal Cheat Sheet?

Simply put a cheat sheet is a quick reference guide for your Bullet Journal.

You can make it for your whole journal, for certain spreads and layouts, or whatever you need. Think of it as a prompt for all the important things you want to include on a page.


What Do You Need On A Bullet Journal Cheat Sheet?

To have a cheat sheet that really works for you, be sure to sit and take the time to think about your ideal spreads and layouts. Asking yourself some of the questions below can help you decide what you would like to include or not include on your pages:

  1. What sections of my pages work best for you and improve your life?
  2. Are there some things you add to spreads that you tend to never complete or fill out?
  3. Where do you need the most help in getting your life organized?
  4. What motivates you?
  5. What things do you need to remember for your life to run smoothly?

Next, take a look at some ideas of what you can include on your cheat sheet for specific bujo layouts and pages.


Bullet Cheat Sheet 


free bullet journal printables to get you organized


  • Bullet Journal Basics

If you want an overall checklist for your Bullet Journal here are some ideas:

Index Page


Future Log


Habit Trackers

Collections that suit your lifestyle. Click here for a HUGE list of Bullet Journal ideas

Financial Spreads

Books To Read

Monthly Spreads

Weekly Spreads

Daily Spreads

If you need some help deciding what spreads are going to work best for your lifestyle and needs the check out the post below. 


Bullet Journal Spreads Everyone Needs In Their Bujo


Next, here are some cheat sheet ideas for individual spreads you may have in your bujo. Remember to pick and choose the things that work best for you. 


  • Bullet Journal Key

Include a quick reference key on your cheat sheet. This can save you time when you have to flip back and forth from pages while you are becoming familiar with using a key.


The Perfect Bullet Journal Key For Rapid Logging


  • Bullet Journal Monthly Spread

Everyone’s monthly is unique but here are some things you may want to add to your checklist for these spreads:


Monthly Cover


Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Holidays

Goals for the month

 To-do list

 Quotes / Mantra

 Habit Tracker

 Tasks, events, and appointments


Stunning Bullet Journal Monthly Spreads You Need To Try


  • Bullet Journal Weekly Spread

A weekly spread is one of the most common spreads used by the Bujo community. Make sure your weekly is the most effective it can be by adding these elements to your cheatsheet.

Day names and dates for each day

Appointments and events

Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Holidays

Cleaning schedule

Work goals and appointments

Family activities

Goals for the week

Important things to remember

Meal planning

Shopping list

Habit Trackers


  • Bullet Journal Daily Spread

Whether you use a weekly or daily log is up to you and your needs. You can even swap and change depending on how busy you are at the time. Here are some checklist ideas for daily spreads:

The Date/Day

Tasks to complete for the day

Important appointments and meetings

Empty section to jot down notes and ideas

Any goals for the day


  • Bullet Journal Tracker

As you can see from the above lists, you can add a habit tracker to any spread or you may choose to create a special spread for them like a year in pixels. Here are some things to remember when you create any bullet journal tracker:

  • Tracking Goal
  • Days of the year/ month/week
  • Key 
  • Motivational quote or mantra

Sleep log for Bullet Journal


  • Bullet Journal Spreads

These are steps that you need for most spreads in your bujo. Some examples are:


Page numbers

Threads to related pages

Add the new page to your index page.


Bullet Journal Headers - 15 Ridiculously Easy Banners and Headers for your Bujo

If you are new to Bullet Journaling then don’t worry, you can still create an effective cheat sheet. Be sure to use the headings above to think about what information would work well for you. You can also look on social media for inspiration like our Pinterest Page


Bullet Journal Cheat Sheet pdf

Just in case you don’t have the time or are unsure about what to add to a cheat sheet, we have created a free Bullet Journal printable. 



Be sure to keep your Bullet Journal Cheatsheet in a convenient place so you can quickly find it when you need it. I like to have mine in the pocket in my journal so I can take it out and use it easily. I find if it is on a page in my bujo then I have to flip pages too much when I am creating pages and spreads.



Checklist for bullet journal spreads

Bujo cheatsheet


cheatsheet for bujo

Bullet Journal Basics

About Diary of a Journal Planner

We are lovers of all things journaling that have serious pen and washi tape addictions. Lifelong doodlers who love to keep life organized. Want to keep a bullet journal? We share lots of bujo, calligraphy and doodle ideas to get you started.

7 thoughts on “How To Create Your Best Bujo With A Bullet Journal Cheat Sheet With Free Printable”

    • Hi Cheyenne, Sorry we seemed to be having a slight problem with the site when you were online, but the link is up now. If you scroll down there is a blue and pale pink box which is where you can download the printable. We hope you find it helpful.

  1. I would love this I need one so bad. I keep wanting to make one with all the tracker and color code it

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