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Doodle Instagram Accounts To Follow

Doodle Instagram Accounts To Follow

The Best Doodle Inspiration Accounts

Are you crazy about doodles too? In this post, I will share some of the best doodle Instagram accounts to help you improve your doodling skills and help get you inspired!

It is no secret that we love doodles here! A part of our site is actually dedicated to teaching and providing you with free easy to use doodle templates that we believe anyone willing can replicate!

You can check our bullet journal doodles to see for yourself.

Doodling is more than just a creative activity. It helps you practice mindfulness, gets your thought organized, and develops fine motor skills. It is suitable for people of all ages and requires very little investment to get started!

All in all, it is one of our favorite things to do.

So today I am sharing a little selection of Instagram accounts that I believe will inspire you to doodle more in your journal. Read on!

Why is doodling Important?

Doodling is a very common thing to happen to anyone with a pen and paper in front of them. It seems that we start our scribbling on paper as a distracting activity. However, studies have shown that doodling is actually a great activity for concentration.

When we are bored or distracted our body has to fight really hard to stay alert. Doing fidgeting activities (such as doodling) is our body’s attempt to stay awake.

Doodling is also known to help relieve psychological distress and mindfulness. Being present and in the moment and concentrating on one activity causes the body to relax and put your thoughts in order. You could even practice a brain dump as a doodle experience.

Creating doodles is also a good way to un-focus and give the break your brain needs when you have been paying attention for too long or feeling stuck about a problem. A little doodle break can help you come up with creative and outside-of-the-box solutions for problems.

Ultimate List of Bullet Journal Doodles


My Favorite Doodles

If you are just looking for ideas and things to draw when you are bored, check this list below for doodle prompts:


I use the following supplies to doodle on my bullet journal:

Ready to start doodling? Check these amazing Doodle Instagram accounts to follow right now!

Doodle Accounts To Follow

Some of the best instagram doodle accounts to keep you inspired and doodling!


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