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How To Use Your Bullet Journal When You Are Not Busy

Bullet Journal Lockdown Ideas

Feeling like you don’t have anything to put in your Bullet Journal or your normal routine has changed and you need new Bujo page ideas? Find out ways you can still use your bullet journal if you are not busy.

With recent events around the world, many of us have found our usual routines to be greatly changed. You may be in lockdown or self-isolation, working from home, or looking for ways to fill empty days.

We have had lots of our readers ask how to use a Bullet Journal during lockdown now that they no longer need their usual weekly or monthly spreads.

Or maybe you have had a personal event that has drastically changed your daily routine. 

One thing we have read about often is that keeping daily habits is a brilliant way to help reduce anxiety and help keep a positive mindset. Keeping your Bullet Journal habit is an easy and fun way to do this.

In this post, we hope to show you some ways you can still use your Bullet Journal during self-isolation or if you are not as busy as usual. 

What Do You Put In A Bujo When You Have Nothing To Do?

If your usually daily, weekly or monthly spreads no longer seem useful there are still lots of fun pages and spreads you can use in your Bullet Journal!

  • Self Care Bullet Journal Pages

Self care journal ideas

Self-care should be an important part of everyone’s lives. If you are feeling a little low or anxious it is perhaps even more important.

Think about ways you can practice self-care and create a spread to help record the habits you would like to do and track when you do them.

Self-care is very personal and everyone’s idea of what this involves can be very different. Be sure to think about what makes you feel uplifted, calm and rejuvenated. 

Find out more about creating a self-care spread below. 

Bullet Journal Self Care Ideas
  • Mood Trackers

Mandala Mood Tracker

Keeping track of your moods can help you understand things that trigger different emotions as well as creating self-awareness. For example, if you see that the days you perform daily exercise your mood is lifted then you can create daily habits around this. 

You can also use your mood tracker in creative ways, for example a mandala mood tracker could help relaxation as well as being a record of your daily moods. 

Get more ideas for how to use mood trackers in the post below.

How To Create Mood Tracker Bullet Journal Pages
  • Habit Trackers

Use a bullet journal habit tracker to track your weight, mood, sleep, working time and more.

You may find you have less daily habits when you are not busy but the simple act of having some daily habits to check off can be surprisingly uplifting and rewarding.

Think about what habits lift your mood, new habits you may want to create or daily tasks that can improve your day. Anything from making your bed to exercising. 

Keeping a daily habit tracker is also a great way to stop you from creating too many bad habits. We all know how easy it is for too much screen time or not enough exercise if we find ourselves not busy. 

You can find out how to create a habit tracker below.

How To Use A Bullet Journal Habit Tracker

Here are some individual habit trackers you may want to try:

  1. Sleep Tracker
  2. Water Tracker
  3. Fitness Tracker


  • Creative Challenges

Bullet journal fonts to try that are easy

With all those blank pages in your journal now is the time to get creative!

Maybe you want to learn to doodle? Or practice your Bullet Journal lettering? There are so many ways you can be creative and learn new skills.

Here are some ideas to help you start:

  1. Doodle Challenge
  2. Bullet Journal Fonts
  3. Headers and Banners
  4. Create Amazing Borders 

Or try our Bullet Journal Lettering Bundle. 



  • Productivity Spreads

How To Time Block With Bujo

Having a simple schedule to follow can help you be more productive and stop you from time-wasting activities like scrolling social media. Even though you may not be super busy there are still things to fill your day. From exercise and cleaning to giving yourself time to work towards goals or follow your hobbies. 

This spread is useful if you suddenly find yourself working from home recently as we know it can be difficult to get into a new routine. Using time blocking can be great for creating a work from home schedule. 

Be sure to add time to step away from the computer as we know how easy it can be to work more with your work always near to hand. 

You can also use this idea for a homeschooling spread. This is great for children to see what their day will look like and create some structure and routine. Add things like exercise, screen time and downtime too. If you are studying from home you can find some helpful student Bullet Journal ideas here

Some things to remember are to not fill in your schedule too much, be realistic and also allow for flexibility. It’s okay to swap things around depending on your mood and energy levels. 

See more on creating a productivity spread below.

How To Be More Productive
  • Bujo Supply Pages

If you are anything like us then you may have a slight stationery addiction. Now is the perfect time to create some fun spreads for all those supplies! 

Maybe you want to write a list of all your favorite Bullet Journal pens, or do a test page of all the different colored pens you use. There are no limitations here. You can have lots of fun and create handy reference guides too!

Here are some ideas:

  1. Tombow Color Chart
  2. Washi Tape Swatch Spread
  • Bullet Journal Cleaning Spreads

Cleaning may not be your favorite thing to do but having a clean home is a great way to uplift your mood and create a healthy home environment.

Use your Bullet Journal to create a daily cleaning routine or a big declutter spread for your whole home!

Here are some ideas to help you create your perfect cleaning spread:

  1. KonMari with your Bullet Journal
  2. Spring Cleaning Bujo Spread
  • Keep A Gratitude Log

How to keep a bullet journal gratitude journal in your planner

Practicing gratitude is a wonderful way to remind yourself of all the good things in your life, to take note of all those small wonders and to improve your mental wellness.

It can be as simple as writing down something you are grateful for every day. Having this in one spread allows you to read over all the things you are grateful for when you are feeling low.

Click on the link below to find out more about creating a gratitude log.

Bullet Journal Gratitude Journal Ideas

If you find yourself struggling to find things you are grateful for you can get some help from these gratitude prompts.

50 Daily Gratitude Journal prompts to help you notice the good in your life
  • Do A Brain Dump

Bujo Brain Dump

When you have more time on your hands you can find that your brain goes into overdrive! This can cause you to feel anxious, stop you from being productive and even stop you from sleeping.

The simple act of writing all those things down on paper can be very soothing. Once you have everything written down you can also start to work through those items. See what’s important, goals to work towards or tasks to complete. As well as seeing what is unimportant and can be let go of.

Find out how to create your own brain dump spread in the link below. 

How To Do A Brain Dump
  • Set Some Goals

How to Set Goals

Some of the goals you set at the start of the year may seem impossible now. Perhaps you were saving for a vacation or were aiming to catch up with friends and family more often. 

It can be upsetting and easy to be unmotivated when circumstances may have been taken out of your control. 

Sitting down and figuring out what goals you are still wanting to achieve or setting yourself new goals is a wonderful way to use your time if you are not busy.

Now is the time to be creative and set yourself new challenges. For example, if your goal was to get fit, think about ways you can still achieve that goal. Maybe through online classes, or a fun home routine. 

If you want to travel you can still work towards your saving goals ( and now maybe you can save to stay in a five-star hotel with extra saving time), and also create fun pages to research your destination. Like the things you want to see and the foods you want to try. 

Or maybe now is the time to set whole new goals. There are some amazing stories lately. Fun ones like people climbing Everest by doing step challenges on their stairs at home, or people learning languages and other skills with online classes.

Read the post on how to set goals in your Bujo.

How to Set Goals and Achieve Them: Goal Setting With A Bullet Journal
  • Menu Planning

learn how to use a bullet journal meal planning system

With more time on your hands it is a great time to get organized. Organizing your meals is a useful way to get organized and help you be more healthy. 

Or maybe you have found yourself cooking more meals at home or using more pantry items than usual to create meals lately. 

Using your Bullet journal for meal planning is an easy way to plan what meals to eat, keep track of ingredients and create better shopping lists.

We have a great post to help you start your meal planning below. 

How To Use a Bullet Journal Meal Planning System
  • Entertainment Trackers

bullet journal books to read

If you are not busy you may find yourself with much more time to read, catch up on tv series or do more craft.

Creating fun and easy entertainment trackers is a great way to keep track of what you have already completed as well use as a bucket list. Maybe you have books you have always wanted to read but never had the time, or you want to watch classic movies from the ” 100 Movies You Have To See” list. 

You can create trackers for Books, movies, tv shows, crafts, hobbies and lots of other entertainment pass times.

Here are some free printable trackers you may like to use:

  1. Books To Read Tracker
  2. Movie Tracker 

We hope this post has shown you that there are still lots of ways you can use your Bujo even when you are not busy. Let us know which ideas you have used in your Bullet Journal in the comments below. 


Bujo Ideas For When You're Not Busy

How To Use Bullet Journal In Iso

Bujo Pages To Try During Lockdown

Bullet Journal Self-Isolation Ideas


About Diary of a Journal Planner

We are lovers of all things journaling that have serious pen and washi tape addictions. Lifelong doodlers who love to keep life organized. Want to keep a bullet journal? We share lots of bujo, calligraphy and doodle ideas to get you started.