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Reach Your Goals Using A Bullet Journal For Weight loss and Health

Reach Your Goals Using A Bullet Journal For Weight loss and Health

How to make a weight loss journal to achieve all your health and fitness goals

You already know that starting a Bullet Journal is a serious life changer and that this simple system can be used to organize every part of your life.

My absolute fave part of having a journal though is that it is the best way to succeed in your goals and dreams.

I don’t know about you, but one of my constant goals (I always include it on my vision board) is to get healthier, fitter, and usually to lose a few pounds.

The great news is that there are a few hacks, tricks, and spreads that you can use in your Bullet Journal to help you achieve your health and weight loss goals.


Using A Bullet Journal To Work Towards Goals


As with all your goals. Once you have that specific and realistic goal. Break it down.

I always break my goals into actionable steps and trackable things that I can mark off as I move towards my goal. Each time I get to tick something, even small that’s part of my goal I feel super accomplished and it keeps me motivated.

Make sure you put all those actionable steps in your planner or journal. With dates and when you want to accomplish them by.

Before I show you some of the best health spreads for bullet journals, it is super important to become really clear on your goal.

Setting a specific and SMART goal is the first step in making those dreams happen.

Head over to my post on “How To Set Goals With A Bullet Journal” for more help with your goal setting.

Step Tracker for Bullet Journal


How To Set Fitness and Health Goals


Once you have your SMART goal it’s a great idea to set up to succeed. This means making sure you have everything in place that is going to help you make those big dreams come true.

And I don’t mean that you need to spend hundreds of dollars on a gym membership and fancy gym gear.

Have a serious think about what is realistic for you… and also what you enjoy. The key to making your goals happen is to be realistic and to follow your joy. If you don’t enjoy something, you won’t stick to it.

For example, if you need to move more to make your goal happen, think about what fun things you can do to make that happen. Getting a Fitbit to count steps and walking with friends. Or sign up for that Latin Dance class with your partner.

I am working on my fitness goal journal pages to make those big health dreams come true. See below.

My goal is to improve my overall health and fitness so I broke it into smaller goals.

For this month I am going to achieve the following:

  • Move my body every day: walks, dance, a game with the kids, etc.
  • Reach 10k steps a day: I recommend getting a step counter.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Practice self-care: something nice I do for myself.
  • Meal plan and prep for the week.

To accomplish that I have come up with actionable steps so I can track them.

Here is an example of my own personal weight loss and fitness journal.


Health Tracker Buller Journal

Health Goals for Bullet Journal and weight loss journal book


I hope my fitness bullet journal can inspire you to use your bujo for better health too.

Below I have some more great ideas to help you work towards specific health and fitness goals and make your own DIY weight loss journal. 


Bullet Journal Collections - Huge list with 100+ bujo collection ideas


How To Make a Weight Loss Journal


Just saying “I want to get fit” isn’t going to be a useful goal. Instead, have a specific goal then break it down into those important and trackable actions!

Using personalized trackers to suit your goals and steps will help you reach your fitness goals faster!

There are some easy fitness and weight loss journal ideas that can get you started and help you set a bullet journal for weight loss goals.


The first thing you should have is a meal plan!

It’s a great way to help you make great choices for what to eat and take away those last-minute grocery store shop temptations.

Being organized with your meals also frees up time. You can use this to do other things towards your goals, like a quick home workout.

A meal planjournal template to help you with food planning and prepping

Find out how to do meal planning with your bullet journal here.


  • Habit Trackers for Weight loss

There are a few things I personally track when I am trying to lose weight but these will, of course, be unique to you.

I find that I am an emotional eater ( chocolate and ice cream all the way if I am feeling a little low). So for me, a Mood Tracker is really helpful to see any patterns with my moods. I can then find a way to help plan ahead and stop the emotional eating.

Unicorn Mood tracker #bulletjournal #bujo #habittracker #bulletjournalhabittracker

Click to find out how to use a habit tracker in your bullet journal.


  • Weight Tracker Bullet Journal

Writing down your weight with dates is a really important step if you are trying to lose pounds.

Of course, it’s not all about weight but about measurements too. I would suggest you keep track of both.

You will sometimes find, especially if you are exercising that you will not see much difference on the scales but will notice big changes in your measurements.

Here are some weight loss trackers for inspiration.

weight loss goal journal

Such a pretty weight loss tracker journal By Little Coffee Fox.


bullet journal weight loss plan

I love this bullet journal weight tracker By @my_blue_sky_design


weight loss journal template

Adding things like measurements are fantastic weight loss tracker ideas By @craftyenginerd


  • Water Tracker

Bujo Water Tracker

Making sure you drink enough water is not only beneficial for your health but it can really help with weight loss.

Make sure you add a water tracker to your bullet journal spreads



Other ideas which you could add are a calorie tracker, sleep tracker, sugar intake counter and lots more.


  • Step Counter For Bullet Journal

One of the easiest ways to get moving is to count your steps! Make it easy to know how you are going by adding a step tracker into your journal. Be sure to add a step counter app to your phone or get a Fitbit so you know just how many steps you do each day.

count steps with bullet journal

By @makingabujo


  • Exercise Log

An exercise log or bullet journal fitness tracker can be easily personalized to fit your goals and action steps. Make sure you log all those important numbers and details so you can see your progress towards your goal clearly.


Exercise Tracker Bujo. Fitness tracker journal

A simple but effective bullet journal fitness log By @librariana

There are plenty of fitness challenges you can join along with or even make up your own.

It’s a fun and actionable way to reach your fitness goals. You could do a 30 Abs Challange, distance run challenge, or anything else that you can break down to get to your big goal.

So, what are your fitness and health goals? I would love to hear all about them and see how you use your bullet journal to achieve them.

Send through images of your weight loss journal pages for our community to see.



Weight loss spreads Bullet Journal


fitness bullet journal ideas , fitness bullet journal ideas layout and ideas to help you reach your fitness goals.

health trackers bullet journal ,

weight loss bullet journal layout,



Sunday 11th of June 2023

Oh my gosh, I love these ideas! I was considering buying a pre-made weight loss journal after following a few product links from another post but after seeing these ideas, I think I'm gonna DIY it. :) Thank youuuuu!


Friday 3rd of March 2023

Very useful article... Thanks <3


Sunday 10th of January 2021

Awesome article.Inspiring.motivated enough to start a journal for weightless, myself.thanks

Diary of a Journal Planner

Tuesday 12th of January 2021

That's great to hear Sapna. Hope you reach your goals.