do you feel overwhelmed with the idea of starting a journal for productivity?

We will teach you how to be productive and gain the clarity to focus on what REALLY matters in your life.


YES – Show Me How To Create An Effective Journal Now

take back control of your time

Learn how to use a journal for planning and gaining control of your time to get things done.

overcome procrastination

Shake the feeling of being overwhelmed with everything you have to do and get started with your tasks.

make a realistic schedule

Learn how to prioritize and make a schedule that works for you! Find out what type of calendar pages will work for you and how to use them best.

track your progress

Discover the secret tool of habit trackers! What they are, how they work, and how they are going to help you make BIG changes.

Do You Feel Like You Are Always Trying To Catch Up With Life?

As busy Mom’s we were tired of always feeling like we were playing catch up with our daily tasks, feeling like failures when we forgot something on our (ever growing) mental to-do list and the constant guilt.

  • Guilt about not getting everything done
  • Guilt about not having our act together
  • Guilt about trying to carve out any self care time

When we discovered the world of journaling we were so excited to find a system that seemed like the answer to all of this overwhelm. And we got to be creative too!

We rushed out and got our notebooks but as soon as we opened them and looked at all those blank pages we realized how overwhelming it can be just to start a journal. We had so many questions:

  • What to write in a journal?
  • What pages to add?
  • What happens if I make huge mistakes and ruin the whole book?
  • Where do I even start?
  • How do I find the time to journal without it being just one more thing I have to do on my daily task list?

Want to know a secret?

We aren’t professionals, or trained productivity coaches. We are just your ordinary run of the mill ladies.
We drink too much coffee, should probably exercise more than we do and wish we had more hours in the day.
And we figured because this journaling ticket worked for us… then it will work for you too!

Once we mastered our journals we began to:

  • Notice habits that stopped us from being as productive as we could, and started to change them!​
  • Stop forgetting things like appointments and birthdays
  • Use our time more wisely by concentrating on the things that really matter.
  • Sleep so much better without that constant mental list rolling on and on through our minds.

Sure we still have days where things don’t go right, but it’s no longer every day that makes us feel exhausted, stressed and like we failed.

How this works

How good will it feel to get less overwhelmed and gain back control of your time?

With the right knowledge and action plan you can easily and effortlessly create your own personalized journal that is going to help you stay organized, get focused and make time for what matters to you!

So, how can you go from Journal Overwhelm to a Journaling Pro?

It’s as simple as:

Know Your Stuff

Learning and understanding the basics of journaling and how to use them to suit your lifestyle and goals.


Getting clarity on what pages will help you achieve all those things you want to do, be and have.


Learning to focus on what really matters to you and what things will make BIG changes to your life.

Click to get your complete guide to starting, setting up and creating a Journal that will help you get organized, productive and slaying goals.

save 25% & get it now!

What You Will Learn

  • Why you should use a journal
  • What supplies you need
  • How to structure your journal for productivity
  • How to use your journal for daily planning
  • Tools to keep you on track of your goals
  • How to improve your personal effectiveness
  • Journaling terms (with a comprehensive Glossary)
  • How to create pages and layouts that will help YOU
  • What pages are effective for mental wellness
  • Goal setting hacks

what’s Included?

We know you don’t need one more thing to add to your ever growing to-do list. Instead you need an easy to follow and simple way to make your life run more smoothly, right?

And this journaling guide is exactly that! Here’s how it will help you beat the journal overwhelm:

Over 50 pages guided ebook

  • In-depth explanation and examples of how to create a journal that is going to help you get organized, productive and focused.
  • We take you through each part of a successful journal, explain all those complicated terms and help you build a journal that is going to work for you!
  • Learn what the core basics of an effective journal are and how to use them.
  • Discover how to select and personalize pages to make a journal unique to YOU and your needs.
  • Learn how to fix mistakes (don’t worry, we all make them and we have some quick and easy ways to fix them!)
  • Find out how to choose a style of journal that suits you
  • Choosing the right journaling supplies and lots more.

printaBLE workbook with actionable steps

  •  Create your journal with step by step instructions. To help you really make magic happen we included a Free 15 page workbook that takes you through each action step from the guide.
  • Each step will build up skills and  knowledge while helping you take action to create your journal.
  • By following the steps when you finish the workbook you will have a working and effective journal that suits your personal needs, goals and lifestyle!
mockup printables

free bonus printables

  • This printable kit includes all the pages you need to start your journal! You can download, print, personalize and color them as you wish. You can reprint as often as you need or like.
  • The beginner’s collection printable bundle includes yearly, monthly and weekly planning pages, habit and mood trackers perfect if you do not have the skill or time to create your own pages as a beginner.

If you have seen the possibility that journaling could have in helping you really get focused and organized in life then this guide is going to make starting that journey so much easier.

All items listed above are digital products, you can download and print as many times as you want in your home for personal use. No physical product will be shipped!

I want all these goodies now! Take me to the shopping cart

But Anyone Can Start A Journal!
Why Do I Need A Guide?

Anyone can start a journal and figure out what works for them. If you have the time to research and trial the many different approaches you will find online then you don’t need this guide.

We know from all the research, tests and mistakes we personally made that there is a very big difference between a journal that helps you get focused and productive to one that is haphazard, and a waste of your time.

If you leap straight into journaling without clear direction, planning and knowledge it can end in you feeling even more stressed as all you have done is just added one more thing to your already crazy to-do list!

It’s easy to start a journal the wrong way. You often start with pages that don’t really suit what YOU need, and create time consuming spreads that actually make your productivity worse, not better!

this ebook Is For You If:

  • You want to improve your productivity
  • You need to lower your stress levels
  • You want to improve your ability to prioritize
  • You would like to Journal beyond time management and planning systems

Ready to make a change?

get it now for $29 (usually $39)

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This product is a printable PDF instant download. You will NOT receive a physical product. Please note that as these products are digital printable files, no refunds will be given.

We want to ensure however that you are 100% happy with your printable purchase, if you have any feedback or issues please don’t hesitate in contact us.

Got A Question?

If you have any questions that aren’t answered here then feel free to email us so we can help.

Do I Have To Complete Within A Certain Time?
We know that you are probably time poor so we have made this guide super easy to work through at your own pace ( but trust us, once you start to see the benefits of journaling you will want to make it happen quickly).
Is A Journal Going To Work For Me?

Do you know why most people don’t find success with journaling?

It’s not because the system doesn’t work…it’s because the system is so good that it can be overwhelming to get started and figure out what parts are going to work for how you live your life ( or want to live your life).

Journaling is such a great system that it can be adapted to suit any lifestyle…which means it can be hard to know where to start and narrow down those collections that you need!

Don’t worry, we understand exactly how you feel. In fact it took us months of trial and error figuring out how to make journaling work for us, what pages we needed and how to fit journaling into our busy lives  ( Which is why we made this guide – We don’t want you to have to go through all the same mistakes we made. We want to save you time, effort and tears.)

We honestly believe that everyone can benefit from journaling in some way and that it can be made to work for anyone!

We may all discover that we need different pages from each other, or use/decorate/plan our journals uniquely but there is sure to be something about journaling that improves your life. This could be anything from a creative outlet to reduce stress, a way to get organized and remember tasks or appointments, or as simple as being somewhere you can write all those thoughts, tasks and mental noise down on paper to become less anxious and overwhelmed.

Will This Guide Help Me If I Want To Use A Lined Journal?
The great thing about journaling is that it can be totally personalized to suit you! It doesn’t matter if you use a dotted, lined or plain journal!
Do I Have To Be Creative To Make A Journal Work?

The good news is that a journal is just as effective if you make it look pretty or plain. In fact when you start sometimes it is easier just to keep to a simple style. Thass is amazing at creating beautiful spreads, Kirsty has a more minimalist style. Both journals work just as well as each other!